Turning Losers into Profit

We are two brothers from Ireland with a passion for horse racing and for data analytics. We have been identifying winners since 2014 through our backing service Stable Winners, and we expect to do exactly the same from Laying.
We have developed sophisticated data analysis techniques which are already proven to identify winners so it made sense to us to use the same approach for finding losers! Essentially we have reverse engineered our data models to provide a Lay service that is strong, reliable and profitable.
In order to find a losing selection, we have to consider the same factors that we use for picking a winner. The difference is, though, we are looking for negatives instead of positives. Our algorithms have been carefully updated to reflect this.
An important factor is assessing the ‘true’ odds of the horse winning or losing. Our odds line is generated from statistical analysis, using artificial intelligence (AI) techniques, from horses past performance data. It also takes into account other factors such as track, course, going, race distance and some element of factoring in the probabilities from the market (to represent the element of weight of money). If certain horse’s odds are lower than what the “fair” odds should be then these selections are flagged as possible Lays. In order to safeguard our betting bank and maximise our profits we will never advice to Lay a horse greater than 4.0
- We use Mathematical and Statistical techniques PROVEN to produce consistent profits
- RELIABLE advise based on computer algorithms. No hunches, whispers, stable gossip or any other unreliable sources of information
- MAXIMISE PROFITS. We only advise on low liability odds. Always less than 4.0.
- A service you can TRUST. The team behind Stable Lays have over 7 years horse racing investment experience and developed a reliable and consistent approach to making long term profits
- SIMPLICITY. No complicated staking plans to follow. Level stakes is advised with suggested betting bank of 300pts.
Stable Lays was launched in March 2021. Between March and April we offered early subscribers the opportunity to sign up and trial our service.
Members made a profit of over €7000 based on €100 stakes during this period which was brilliant for the members that were lucky enough to get access to the trial.
A tipster service is results driven, if members aren’t making money, then in our opinion, there is no point to the service. We see ourselves as a more of an investment service but like any form of investment, betting comes with its own risks, however with the right setup, discipline and prudent money management it does offer a very viable form of making money (and tax free!). So if you are looking for a service that consistently turns a profit, as our results have proved, look no further than stablelays.
The stats below are based on €10 level stakes and exclude exchange commissions.
All our lay advice’s are proofed to the high standards of Racing-Index.
Results shown for period between 01/03/21 – 30/11/24
Selections with Betfair Starting Price (Bfsp) <= 4.0 are independently proofed by Racing Index.
However, to account for movement in price between price taken and betfair starting price our results include all selections <= 4.3 Bfsp.

Subscription Plans
Join Us Today And Start Building Your Bank With Profitable Lay Selections
Quarterly Plan
Eq. €9.23 per week
€120/ quarter- No Contract. Cancel Anytime
- On average 4-5 daily selections
- 7 Days a Week by 12 noon
- Low Odds Guarantee (<= 4.0)
- Level Stakes - No Complex Staking Plan
Weekly Plan
Recurring weekly
€20/ week- No Contract. Cancel Anytime
- On average 4-5 daily selections
- 7 Days a Week by 12 noon
- Low Odds Guarantee (<= 4.0)
- Level Stakes - No Complex Staking Plan
Monthly Plan
Eq. €11.54 per week
€50/ month- No Contract. Cancel Anytime
- On average 4-5 daily selections
- 7 Days a Week by 12 noon
- Low Odds Guarantee (<= 4.0)
- Level Stakes - No Complex Staking Plan
Membership is limited and prices too are liable to escalate in the future. The potential is being realized and our customer numbers are growing each day.
Stablelays supports responsible gaming. Please gamble responsibly. Remember you must be over 18 to place bets on line. For help and advice on any gambling problems visit GambleAware / Dunlewey
Turning Losers into Profit.
We are two brothers from Ireland who have a passion for horse racing and for data analysis. We have been identifying winners since 2014 through our backing service Stable Winners, and we expect to do exactly the same from Laying.We have developed sophisticated data analysis techniques which are already proven to identify winners so it made sense to us to use the same approach to identify losers! Essentially we reverse engineered our data models to provide a Lay service that is Strong, reliable and profitable.
In order to find a losing selection, we have to consider the same factors that we use for picking a winner. The difference is, though, we are looking for negatives instead of positives. Our algorithms have been carefully updated to reflect this.
An important factor is assessing the ‘true’ odds of the horse winning or losing. Our oddsline is generated from a statistical analysis, using artificial intelligence (AI) techniques, from horses past performance data. It also takes into account other factors such as track, course, going, race distance and some element of factoring in the probabilities from the market (to represent the element of weight of money). If certain horse’s odds are lower than what the “fair” odds should be then these selections are flagged as possible Lays. In order to safeguard our betting bank and maximise our profits we will never advice to Lay a horse greater than 4.0
Key Features:
- We use Mathematical and Statistical techniques PROVEN to produce consistent profits
- RELIABLE advise based on computer algorithms. No hunches, whispers, stable gossip or any other unreliable sources of information
- MAXIMISE PROFITS. We will only advise to LAY if selection is below 4.0 Bfsp
- RESULTS PROOFED by Independent 3rd party RacingIndex
- Lightweight setup
- Going global
- Scalable and trusted

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Affordable health care, best practices shift social entrepreneurship save lives solutions. Philanthropy lasting change, fight against malnutrition policymakers; pride mobilize meaningful detection Kony 2012 NGO.Simplicity
Affordable health care, best practices shift social entrepreneurship save lives solutions. Philanthropy lasting change, fight against malnutrition policymakers; pride mobilize meaningful detection Kony 2012 NGO.

Affordable health care, best practices shift social entrepreneurship save lives solutions. Philanthropy lasting change, fight against malnutrition policymakers; pride mobilize meaningful detection Kony 2012 NGO.Don't wait & join now!
Institutions pathway to a better life crisis management developing nations future action. Lasting change Peace Corps pride educate donors partnership. Partner prevention medicine cross-cultural; Bloomberg, convener raise awareness synthesize.
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Insurmountable challenges combat malaria plumpy'nut human-centered design volunteer, cooperation save lives countries rural. Emergency response donation.

Sherry BernardCo-Founder
Insurmountable challenges combat malaria plumpy'nut human-centered design volunteer, cooperation save lives countries rural. Emergency response donation.

Caroline StephensMerchandise manager
Insurmountable challenges combat malaria plumpy'nut human-centered design volunteer, cooperation save lives countries rural. Emergency response donation.

Sherry BernardCo-Founder
Insurmountable challenges combat malaria plumpy'nut human-centered design volunteer, cooperation save lives countries rural. Emergency response donation.

Caroline StephensMerchandise manager
Our team
Institutions pathway to a better life crisis management developing nations future action. Lasting change Peace Corps pride educate donors partnership. Partner prevention medicine cross-cultural; Bloomberg, convener raise awareness synthesize.
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For each repository, choose a monthly plan, pay only when your project goes into production.
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For each repository, choose a monthly plan, pay only when your project goes into production.